Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hurricane Gustav - Where Are You Headed??

The 1100 EDT NHC forecast has Gustav located 50 miles S of Haiti and 250 miles SE of Cuba. The US Navy track predicts he's headed for the middle of the Gulf by Sunday, and the NHC "cone" has us in the "possible" path. Looks like an interesting Labor Day weekend....

Since I haven't managed to consume ALL of the alcohol laid in for Fay, my Gustav provisioning will be somewhat simpler.....get some ice and a few barbecued chickens, and I may actually try to buy a few flashlight batteries this time too....thank god those C cells work in the sex toys TOO!!! *grin*

Honestly folks, when there are events like these on the horizon - humor is our best defense against the utter FEAR that Mother Nature can engender...and I DO take these things most seriously indeed - the cat, the guns, and I are always ready to head north! ;)

Cap'n Bob out

Fay Finale....08/26/08

Well, THAT was a mess indeed. Here in the Tampa Bay area we got around 1 inch and possibly as much as 2 inches of rain from TS Fay. However, many of my friends in other parts of FL did not fare quite so well:

Melbourne (Kennedy Space Center) - most places recorded over 22 inches of rainfall, and there were confirmed 30 inch falls. HEAVY flooding in some areas.

Lake City (I-10 and I-75 junction) - 60+ mph winds, and some downed trees, but surprisingly little rain considering the eye passed about 30 miles south.

Tallahassee (near the St Marks River mouth) - river was 8 to 10 FEET above normal levels for this time of the year. Not too many problems from the WATER....but when the river rises like that it drives the alligators closer to people's homes! YIKES......welcome to FL!!

Next post....watching Gustav.....

Monday, August 18, 2008

08-18-08 (Fay Update)

Just in case anyone is wondering - YES, we are watching Fay pretty closely here in the Tampa Bay Area. At the moment (1300 CDT) the bulk of the track predictions have Fay making landfall somewhere between Everglades National Park and Fort Myers, as POSSIBLY a Category 1 hurricane or very strong tropical storm. These track predictions are showing Fay to trend northwards after landfall, meaning Tampa Bay will PROBABLY not take a direct hit from either the CAT x or TS.

I will be taking the necessary precautions this evening - laying in copious supplies of alcohol and barbecued chickens - and we will most LIKELY be going to work in the morning...*sigh*

Hidee Ho Y'all....
Cap'n Bob